H2Eco Pressure Washers

Roof Washing
Moss, Lichen, and Dark Stains/Streaks On Your Roof? Roof Washing Can Remove These Issues and Add Years Onto the Life of Your Roof For a Fraction of the Cost Of a New Roof.

Save Your Roof!

Everyone can see if moss is growing on their roof when it starts to get really thick. What most people don’t notice is that almost all roofs that have a tree overtop or shady areas have the beginnings of moss. Algae, moss, gloeocapsa magma, and lichen are feeding on the shingles and deteriorating them. If left untreated the moss will become so thick that it can grow under the shingles and lift them up, allowing water to get in behind them. 

Roof Treatment

It is important not to use water pressure or stiff brushes when cleaning a roof. The grit from the shingle is important to its effectiveness so a gentle process is warranted.

By spraying a concentrated chemical mixture the organic growth is immediately killed. It will change from green to white, and with time it will turn brown and shrivel. After a few weeks a good rain or wind will begin to knock the dead moss from the roof.

All roof washes are guaranteed to kill and remove all organic growth within 4-6 weeks.